Spamming & Illegal Content are Not Allowed
Spamming is not allowed by SobeCash.com. Any webmaster affiliated to our program cannot promote our websites using this method or any kind of promotional method that we consider illegal. We will delete any account and the webmaster will not receive further payment from SobeCash.com.
SobeCash.com is a program for adult webmasters. If you are less than 18 years of age or 21 depending of your place of residence; state/country, YOU CAN NOT BE AN AFFILIATE to our program.
SobeCash.com pays to webmasters 60% for any sales with their personal Affiliate ID. Every week we send out payments only in US currency, (Minimum amount is required).
Illegal Content
No bestiality, illegal software, password sites, child pornography or any website that we judge unlawful. We will, and reserve the right to refuse and notify the authorities.
Free Content
We allow free content to promote our websites. To use our free content you must agree to the following disclamer:
  1. Use our free content to promote only our websites.
  2. Do not modify our free content.
  3. Do not sell or rent our free content.
We do not pay for any chargebacks, this will directly deductible from your account.
Referral Commissions
You can refer any webmasters to SobeCash.com and receive 10% of the profits generated by them. You can not refer yourself, only one account is allowed per webmaster.
Hosting Regulation
SobeCash.com gives the possibilities of hosting your websites for free with unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited pages. The condition to be admitted on our free hosting is you must promote only our products. Contact Us if you are interested.
SobeCash.com is not responsibly for any technical problems, NO EXCEPTION. We work very hard creating the best tools for our affiliate webmasters and as an affiliate it is your responsibility to integrate it correctly on your website.
SobeCash.com reserves the rights to close any account without explanation.